Announcement of Appointment of New Director of Japan Innovation Network (JIN)

Japan Innovation Network (JIN), a general incorporated association that supports the acceleration of innovation in Japanese companies, welcomed Aya Omoto as its new director on March 6, and has decided to proceed with its operations under a new executive structure.
Background of Ms. Omoto’s appointment to the Board of Directors JIN is pleased to welcome Aya Omoto, who brings global business experience and a unique background in innovation and design education. The link between innovation methods and human resource education is essential to the practice of innovation management. Aya Omoto is currently aiming to serve as a link between Japan and Scandinavia, industry and research institutions, and will be responsible for providing advice and support for JIN’s activities.
With the new board of directors, JIN will further promote the diffusion of innovation management systems and support for the acceleration of innovation in Japan.
Aya Omoto
Co-representative of Laere Co., Ltd.
After joining Grey Worldwide, an advertising company of the WPP Group, in 2008, she worked on brand strategy and communication development for a major consumer goods manufacturer. She later studied at KAOSPILOT, a business design school in Denmark, for three years, and co-founded Laere inc. in 2015. Taking inspiration from a Scandinavian perspective, she works to create a better society through creative leadership and organizational development for companies, research institutes, and universities. In 2020, she was selected as a representative member of the Japanese side for the 15th German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum hosted by the Japanese-German Center Berlin.
Serialized articles:
Diamond Online: “Design Thinking in Denmark, a Land of Happiness”
Newspicks: “Thinking in Chaos”
Reference: Laere inc.
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